Key: Step 1234. Copepoda: Family Oithonidae females
Copepoda: Family Oithonidae females

P1 Exp and Enp 2-segmented; CR with 4 setae, longest two setae similar to apical spine of P1 - P4 Exp; P1 - P4 Exp outer spine formula: I-III, I-I-II, I-0-II, I-0-I:

Paroithona flemingeri

Paroithona flemingeri

P1 Exp and Enp 3-segmented; CR with 6 plumose setae; P1 - P4 Exp outer spine formula otherwise arranged:

(Genus Oithona)

Step 1235. Copepoda: Genus Oithona females
Decision path