Familia Agalmatidae

Brandt, 1835

Nectosome without tentacles between the biserially arranged nectophores. Dorsal radial canal on nectosac straight. Siphosome straight, not coiled up to form a sac or corm. This is rather a catch all family, and Totton (1965) included in it most of the physonect species. At present about 25 species are included in the family, although the status of some remains uncertain. As better material is collected for some of the "rarer" species, and many new ones, it is probable that certain species will be removed into new families.

Genus Agalma
Genus Bargmannia
Genus Cordagalma
Genus Erenna
Genus Halistemma
Genus Marrus
Genus Moseria
Genus Nanomia
Genus Stepanjantsia