Vibilia australis

Stebbing, 1888

Length 3-5 mm (Vibilia australis 1). The smallest species of Vibilia. Head small. Eyes transformed into three vertical rows of separate facets (unique character!). ANT I subequal to head and pereonite I combined, peduncle broader than flagellum. Flagellum elongate, conical, two rudimentary apical ART easily visible. ART 2 of P I broadened; ART 6 oval, longer than 5, dactyl slightly shorter than ART 6. Posterodistal process of ART 5 of P II not reaching distal end of ART 6. ART 4 of P III and IV subequal to ART 6, ART 5 twice as short. Dactyls of P V and VI 3 times as short as ART 6. P VII twice as short as VI, posterodistal lobe of ART 2 reaching middle of ART 4; ART 7 equal in length to two thirds of ART 6, surface covered with fine setae. Telson triangular, with rounded top, reaching middle of basipodite of UR III.