Genus Codonellopsis

Jörgensen, 1924

Aboral end always closed, sometimes bearing well-developed aboral horn. Some species highly polymorphic, with either agglutinated or totally hyaline loricae. Collar sometimes with fenestrae.
Arranged in Subgroup 1B (see the page Ti. 15 Classification scheme based on morphologically similar groups of species).

Species treated (marked with * is a dubious species):

Codonellopsis balechi Hada, 1970
*Codonellopsis brasiliensis (Brandt, 1906)
Codonellopsis gaussi (Laackmann, 1907)
Codonellopsis lusitanica Jörgensen, 1924
Codonellopsis morchella (Cleve, 1900)
Codonellopsis obesa Balech, 1948
Codonellopsis orthoceras (Haeckel, 1873)
Codonellopsis pusilla (Cleve, 1900)