Egea inermis

Joubin, 1933

Mantle elongate, narrowly-spindle-shaped, acute behind, smooth, membranous in larvae and leathery in adults. No cartilaginous tubercles. Head small, without "snout". Eyes in larvae on short stalks, elongate, in adults (>40 mm) not stalked, globular, looking anteriorly. Fins in larvae petaloid, attached to rear sides of lanceola, not fused, in adults very narrow, anterior margins extending onto mantle sides at ML >20-25 mm. Fin length approx. 30% ML. Arms short, protective membranes narrow. Suckers in 2 rows, none enlarged, rings with low blunt teeth, no suckers with acute teeth. Tentacles rather long, not autotomized. Four rows of suckers along tentacular stalk in larvae, 2 in proximal and 4 in distal part in juveniles, in adults two rows of alternating knobs and suckers; no carpal group of suckers and knobs. Central club suckers not larger than marginal ones, rings with 8-12 acute teeth on distal margin. Lanceola with straight rear margins, acute but without needle-like tail. Funnel small. Medial component of funnel organ with 2 low triangular lateral flaps. Funnel valve present. Two narrow C-shaped eyeball photophores, anterior with hook-like bend. No ink sac photophores. A large photophore on ends of 3rd arms in mature females. Ends of all arms modified in mature males bearing minute suckers in 4 rows. Larvae and juveniles semitransparent and almost colorless. ML up to 42 cm. Larvae identified by a narrow spindle-shaped mantle and anteriorly directed eyes. Juveniles became adult-like at ML 35-40 mm.

One species in the World Ocean.