Bathothauma lyromma

Chun, 1906

Mantle cylindrical, rounded behind, smooth, membranous (resembling sausage skin). No cartilaginous tubercles. Head small, in larvae with very long "snout" (arm-crown pillar). Eyes in larvae on very long (in some cases equal to ML) stalks, elongate, with rostrum, in juveniles eyestalks shorten, in adults (>100 mm) eyes not stalked, globose, directed lateral-anteriorly. Fins in larvae and adults small, paddle-shaped, on short wide stalks, attached not to lanceola but to mantle sides far from one another. Arms short, approx. 30% ML in adults. Suckers in 2 rows, none enlarged, rings smooth. Tentacles very long (longer than ML), not autotomized. 2 rows of suckers along tentacular stalk. Central club suckers somewhat larger than marginal ones, rings with long acute teeth on distal margin. Lanceola reduced. Funnel small. Medial component of funnel organ with 2 conical lateral papillae. No funnel valve. One large half-round eyeball photophore. No ink sac photophores, no arm photophores in mature females. 1st arms modified in mature males through most their length, bearing minute suckers in 2-4 rows. Larvae and juveniles semitransparent and almost colorless. ML up to 20 cm. Larvae may be identified by their cylindrical mantle, rounded behind, reduced lanceola, very long eyestalks, "snout", and small fins. Eyeball photophores appear at ML >25-30 mm.

One species in the World Ocean.