Familia Gonatidae

Hoyle, 1886

Mantle cylindrical in anterior, conical in posterior part. Fins heart- or diamond-shaped. Arms with 4 rows of suckers, in juveniles or adults two inner rows on 1st-3rd arms transformed into hooks. Tentacles long and strong, club with many rows of suckers, in some species also with one or more hooks in central part. Fixing apparatus of tentacles either lacking or represented by short but strong transverse ribs and grooves. Buccal membrane with 7 lappets, connectives to 4th arms attached ventrally. Funnel cartilage straight, elongate. Gladius with narrow vane with 1-2 widenings, without cartilaginous end conus, usually not reaching mantle end in adults. Photophores lacking (present in one species on eyeball).

Three genera. Only 1 species in the South Atlantic.

Planctonic stages recorded for:

Gonatus antarcticus