
Table 7 First zoeae of Pinnotheridae

Species characters of first zoeal stage of Pinnotheridae. D: dorsal spine; R: rostral spine.

Species Carapace Dorso-lateral Telson Antenna

Clypeasterophilus stebbingi all spines present; only on 2nd furcae limited to
knobs absent; spinulose spinous process
D<1.5 x R

Dissodactylus crinitichelis all spines present; 2nd and 3rd furcae limited to
knobs absent; spinulose spinous process
D<1.5 x R

Pinnaxodes chilensis all spines present; 2nd and 3rd furcae limited to
knobs absent; spinulose spinous process
D ³1.5 x R

Pinnixa chaetopterana all spines present; 2nd and 3rd median limited to
knobs absent; notch spinous process
D<1.5 x R + 1 seta

Pinnixa cristata all spines present; 2nd and 3rd median limited to
knobs absent; notch spinous process
D<1.5 x R + 1 seta

Pinnixa patagoniensis all spines present; 2nd and 3rd median limited to
knobs absent; notch spinous process
D<1.5 x R + 1 seta

Pinnixa sayana all spines present; 2nd and 3rd furcae limited to
knobs absent; spinulose spinous process
D<1.5 x R + 1 seta

Tumidotheres maculatus all spines present; 2nd and 3rd furcae limited to
knobs present; spinulose spinous process
D<1.5 x R

Zaops ostreum spines absent; no spines median rudimentary
knobs absent notch