[Polychaeta] Sensory projection arising from the dorsal, lateral or frontal surface of the prostomium. Seebody plan pelagic polychaete
[Crustacea general] The second pair of segmented (cephalic sensory) appendages.
[Ostracoda] The second antennae are used as the main propulsive limbs in myodocopids.
female, 2nd antenna
[Amphipoda] (ANT) the head of an amphipod bears two pairs of antennae. The first 3 articles of the first pair, and the first 5 articles of the second pair are known as the peduncles.
Alternative forms for Antenna : antennae, [Amphipoda] ANT, [Amphipoda] ANTs, [Crustacea general] Second antennae, [p][/p], [p][/p].