

By Maria Ana Fernandez-Alamo and Erik V. Thuesen

From the South Atlantic Ocean 8 families with 62 species of holoplanktonic polychaetes have been recorded.

Class Polychaeta

Po. 1 Introduction
Po. 2 Methods
Po. 3 Geographic distribution
Po. 4 Morphology
Po. 5 Systematics and identification
Po. 6 Suggested reading

Go to Page 368: Polychaeta in the key for identification to species level. The section starts with separate family keys, so the identification to family level must be done by comparing diagnoses first.

See Class Polychaeta for polychaete systematics and a species list of South Atlantic planktonic polychaetes.

Polychaete species are treated in the Species module on pages Alciopa reynaudi to Flota flabelligera.