Po. 6 Suggested reading

Suggested reading

Dales R.P. 1955. The evolution of the pelagic alciopid and phyllodocid polychaetes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 125:411-420.
Contains some ideas about phyletic relationships between pelagic polychaetes, based on comparison of structures derived from the stomodeum.

Dales R.P. 1957. Pelagic polychaetes of the Pacific Ocean. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., 7:99-168.
A general review of the systematics and distributions of the pelagic species from the Pacific Ocean. Includes descriptions with illustrations, synonyms and charts of distribution of the species, and identification keys.

Dales R.P., Peter G. 1972. A synopsis of the pelagic polychaeta. J. Natur. Hist., 6:55–92.
Includes information of the species belonging the holoplanktonic families Lopadorhynchidae, Iospilidae, Pontodoridae, Alciopidae, Tomopteridae and Typhloscolecidae. A complete list of synonyms, taxonomic comments, general distribution and location of the type of each species, and bibliography.

Day J.H. 1967. A monograph on the Polychaeta of southern Africa. Part. 1 Errantia. British Mus. Natur. Hist., London, Publ. 656, pp. 1-458.
Illustrated descriptions and distribution of the polychaete fauna, including the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Includes the species of holoplanktonic families with a complete list of valid species, synonyms, records in the survey area, zoogeographic provinces, depth ranges, etc., and general distribution in the world ocean.

Orensanz J.M., Ramírez F.C. 1973. Taxonomía y distribución de los poliquetos pelágicos del Atlántico Sudoccidental. Bol. Inst. Biol. Mar. (Mar del Plata), 21:1-86.
Very good review of the systematics and distribution of the pelagic polychaetes from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean; includes illustrated descriptions and distribution data.

Orensanz J.M., Ramírez F.C., Dinofrio, E.O. 1974. Resultados planctológicos de la Campaña “Oceantar I” -II: Poliquetos. Contrib. Inst. Ant. Argentino, 184:1- 41.
Describes the distribution of the planktonic polychaetes collected in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. Includes an illustrated chart for identification of the species.

Pleijel F., Dales R.P. 1991. Polychaetes: British phyllodocoideans, typhloscolecoideans and tomopteroideans. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 45, Linnean Society of London and Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, pp. 1-195.
The most recent review of the species of some holoplanktonic families from the British Islands; includes remarks on biology, ecology, methods of research and systematics of the British species belonging to the superfamilies Phyllodocoidea, Typhloscolecoidea and Tomopteroidea.

Støp-Bowitz C. 1948. Polychaeta. Rep. Sci. Res. "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep Sea Exp., 1910, 8:1-77.
An excellent review of the distribution of pelagic species in the North Atlantic Ocean; includes illustrated descriptions, synonyms and general remarks on geographical and hydrographical factors, zoogeography, horizontal and vertical distribution of the species.

Støp-Bowitz C. 1981. Polychaeta. In "Atlas del Zooplancton del Atlántico Sudoccidental y métodos de trabajo con el zooplancton marino" (D. Boltovskoy, ed.), Public. Esp. Inst. Nac. Inv. Desarrollo Pesq., Mar del Plata, pp. 471-492.
General review of the systematics and distribution of the pelagic species from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Includes brief remarks on biology, methods of research, history of study, vertical distribution, keys of identification, etc.

Støp-Bowitz C. 1984. A short note on the problem with systematics of some pelagic polychaetes. Proc. 1 Internat. Polychaete Conf., Sydney, Australia.
A review of the main diagnostic characters in the exclusively pelagic families.

Støp-Bowitz C. 1992. Polychètes pélagiques des campagnes de "l'Ombango" dans les eaux équatoriales et tropicales ouest-africaines. ORSTOM Ed., Coll. Etudes et Thesis, Paris, pp. 1-115.
Includes the systematics and vertical and geographical distributions of the species collected during twelve cruises in the Gulf of Guinea.

Tebble N. 1960. Distribution of pelagic polychaetes in the South Atlantic Ocean. Discovery Rep., 30:161-300.
An excellent review of the distributions of pelagic species and their relationships with the Subtropical Convergence, Antarctic Convergence and other water masses in the survey area; includes descriptions of the species and remarks on zoogeographical aspects.