Ne. 7 Suggested reading

Suggested reading

Brinkmann A. 1917. Pelagic nemerteans from the 'Michael Sars' North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910. Rep. Sci. Res. "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep Sea Exp., 1910, 3, Part 2:1-18.
The first major systematic treatment of bathypelagic nemertines, establishing most of the higher taxonomic categories that remain in current usage.

Brinkmann A. 1917. Die pelagischen Nemertinen. Bergens Mus. Skr., 3:1-194.
Comprehensive and fully illustrated descriptions of most of the North Atlantic bathypelagic nemertines; this monograph complements Brinkmann's 1917a article which, because of editorial restrictions, could not be as detailed.

Bürger O. 1895. Die Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres- Abschnitte. Fauna Flora Golfes Neapel, 22:1-743.
A magnificent monograph which, though old, contains a wealth of historical, anatomical, distributional and ecological data on nemertines and is illustrated with several superb colour plates as well as plates of histological drawings.

Coe W.R. 1926. The pelagic nemerteans. Mem. Mus. Compar. Zool., Harvard Coll., 49:1-244.
The second major treatise on bathypelagic nemertines, including a history of the subject and illustrated descriptions of many taxa and accounts of their biology, distribution and ecology.

Coe W.R. 1927. Adaptations of the bathypelagic nemerteans. Amer. Naturalist, 61:345-352.
A general discussion of various morphological features of bathypelagic nemertines related to the habitat in which they live.

Coe W.R. 1945. Plankton of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expeditions. XI. Bathypelagic nemerteans of the Bermuda area and other parts of the North and South Atlantic oceans, with evidence as to their means of dispersal. Zoologica (New York), 30:145-168.
A useful illustrated general account of the bathypelagic nemertines of the North and South Atlantic, with keys to the families and genera.

Coe W.R. 1954. Bathypelagic nemerteans of the Pacific Ocean. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., 6:225-285.
A comprehensive illustrated account of pelagic nemertines found in the Pacific Ocean, including keys to families and genera.

Coe W.R., Ball S.C. 1920. The pelagic nemertean Nectonemertes. J. Morphol., 34:457-485.
A detailed and illustrated account of the anatomy of this genus of bathypelagic nemertines.

Gibson, R. 1972. Nemerteans. Hutchinson, London, 224 pp.
A fully illustrated comprehensive account of all aspects of nemertine biology, including their anatomy, physiology, reproduction, ecology, zoogeography and phylogenetic relationships.

Gibson R. 1982. Nemertea. In "Synopsis and classification of living organisms", 1 (S.P. Parker, ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 823-846.
An illustrated classification of the phylum Nemertina, listing all the taxonomic levels down to genera and many of the known species.

Gibson R. 1995. Nemertean genera and species of the world: an annotated checklist of original names and description citations, synonyms, current taxonomic status, habitats and recorded zoogeographic distribution. J. Natur. Hist., 29:271-562.
A worldwide checklist of all the nemertine genera and species; an essential reference work for the current systematic nomenclature of the phylum.

Korotkevich V.S. 1955. Pelagicheskie nemertiny dalnevostochnykh morei SSSR [Pelagic nemertines of the Far Eastern seas of the USSR]. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Moskva, pp. 1-131.
A detailed account of the bathypelagic nemertines from the north-west Pacific, including descriptions of several new taxa.

Korotkevich V.S. 1964. Pelagicheskie nemertinui antarkticheskikh i umerennuikh vod yuzhnogo polushariya [Pelagic nemertines of Antarctic and temperate waters of the southern hemisphere]. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei, Nauka, Leningrad, 2:132-167.
An illustrated account of the bathypelagic nemertines of Antarctic and southern Indian Ocean waters.