Limacina helicina antarctica

Limacina (Limacina) helicina (Phipps, 1774) antarctica (Woodward, 1854) forma antarctica Woodward, 1854
L.helicina antarctica f. antarc
L.helicina antarctica f. anta 2

Spire very depressed, about 6 colorless whorls. No umbilical keel, umbilicus wide. Transverse striae prominent, best visible on last whorl. Faint spiral striation on first whorls. Wing protrusion present. Maximum diameter: 6.5 mm.

Limacina (Limacina) helicina (Phipps, 1774) antarctica (Woodward, 1854) forma rangi (d'Orbigny, 1836)
L.helicina antarctica f. rangi
L.helicina antarctica f. rang 2

Spire depressed, with about 6 colorless whorls, higher than forma antarctica. Umbilicus wide, umbilical keel, spiral striation and transverse striation faint or lacking. No wing protrusion. Embryonic shell with rough ornamentation of irregularly ramified, flat ridges (Boltovskoy, 1974b). Shell diameter: 3.5 mm, height: 2.0 mm.