Mithrax verrucosus

H. Milne Edwards, 1832

¥ Number of stages in the zoeal phase: 2.
¥ Morphological characters of first zoea [Table 6 First zoeae of Majidae]:
Carapace with one rostral and one dorsal spine; three posterolateral setae present.
Abdominal somite 2 with, and somite 3 without, dorsolateral projections.
Abdominal somites 3 and 4 with postero-lateral processes.
Number of marginal and apical setae on scaphognathite: 12 and 1.

¥ Number of stages in the megalopal phase: 1.
Morphological characters of megalopa not described.

Larval stages described by Bolaños and Scelzo, 1981.

Geographical distribution of adult
Occidental Atlantic: South Carolina, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, The West Indies and Brazil (Fernando de Noronha and Rocas).

Depth range of adult
Intertidal zone - 10 m.