G. Voss, 1950
Hatchlings approx. 1.5 mm ML. Mantle round, head narrow. 4 primary suckers on each arm. Outer surface of arms with 8-10 dark chromatophores in 2 rows. Dorsal mantle surface clear, ventral with 26-30 chromatophores (6 across mantle), funnel with 2+2, dorsal head with 10 (2+4+4), ventral head with 2, 3 small over each eye, golden iridophores around eyes. Digestive gland with 13 large dorsal visceral chromatophores. Large larva ready to settle on bottom at 10 mm ML. Arms with >30 suckers. Dorsal mantle with >80, dorsal head with >50 chromatophores, ventral head with 4, ventral mantle and funnel as in hatchlings. Web vestigial. 8-11 gill lamellae per demibranch. Egg length 2.2-2.5 mm. Adults inhabit mostly the inner shelf, sandy and muddy bottoms.