Eu. 19 Suggested reading

Suggested reading

Brinton, E. 1962. The distribution of Pacific euphausiids. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., 8:51-270.
A detailed consolidation and discussion of all euphausiid records from the Pacific Ocean. For anyone looking at patterns of distribution this is a must.

Brinton, E., M.D. Ohman, A.W. Townshend, M.D. Knight and A.L. Bridgeman, 1999. Euphausiids of the world ocean 1.0. World Biodiversity Database CD-ROM Series. ETI, Amsterdam and UNESCO-Publishing, Paris.

Baker A. de C., Boden B.P., Brinton E. 1990. A practical guide to the euphausiids of the world. Natur. Hist. Mus. Publ., London, pp. 1-96.
The most comprehensive key to the identification of all 86 known species of euphausiid. Well illustrated and easy to follow.

John D.D. 1936. The southern species of the genus Euphausia. Discovery Rep., 14:193-324.
Part of series of reports on an extensive planktonic data series in the South Atlantic, this describes the taxonomy and distribution of euphausiids in the Antarctic and Southwestern Atlantic. Contains good illustrations of larval developmental stages.

Makarov R.R. 1980. Larval development of the Antartic euphausiids. BIOMASS Handbook 3:1-13.
A more comprehensive guide to larvae in the Antarctic. The BIOMASS series contains many useful articles on euphausiid identification and ecological methods.

Mauchline J. 1980. The biology of mysids and euphausiids. Advances Mar. Biol., 18:373-623.
This is not a re-write of the Mauchline and Fischer (1969) work but simply contains additional information.

Mauchline J., Fisher L.R. 1969. The biology of euphausiids. Advances Mar. Biol., 7:1-454.
A fairly comprehensive review on the biology, ecology, behaviour and biochemistry of euphausiids. It also contains some useful synonymies and a thorough bibliography. Although it is 30 years old, it is still a very useful monograph. The above two articles could be considered the core texts of euphausiid biology.

Miller D.G.M., Hampton I. 1989. Biology and ecology of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana): a review. BIOMASS Newsletter, 9:1-165.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Euphausia superba. This volume clearly demonstrates what is known about a single species of euphausiid and should stand as a benchmark for many years to come. A useful source of references.

Pillar S.C., Stuart V., Barange M., Gibbons M.J. 1992. Community structure and trophic ecology of euphausiids in the Benguela ecosystem. South African J. Mar. Sci., 12: 93-409.
A thorough, state of the art review on euphausiid ecology and biology in the Benguela ecosystem. The paper summarises the results of almost a decades research by a dedicated research team.

Zhou M., Nordhausen W., Huntley M. 1994. ADCP measurements of the distribution and abundance of euphausiids near the Antarctic Peninsula in winter. Deep-Sea Res., 41:1425-1445.
A typical paper illustrating the good visualisation of euphausiids by acoustic techniques. The ADCP also allows the instantaneous advective environment to be superimposed on distribution patterns.