Eu. 18 Acknowledgements


We are grateful to the librarians at the Sea Fisheries Research Institute (Cape Town), the South African Museum (Cape Town) and the Natural History Museum (London), as well as Drs. D. Boltovskoy, P. Cornelius, M. Kelly-Borges, T. Antezana, Y. Matsuura, F. Ramírez, A. Dessier and D. Binet for their help in tracking down literature. For the use of unpublished data, we are especially grateful to Drs. Ed Brinton and E. Marchal. We are grateful to Mr. M. Goodman for his help in plotting the distribution data and Mr. K. Williams and the reprographics section of SFRI are gratefully acknowledged for their help in the preparation of illustrations. V. Spiridonov’s contribution was partly supported through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Financial support for Mark J. Gibbons was provided by the Benguela Ecology Programme and the Foundation for Research and Development. Several figures from published papers by other authors have been used directly, or have been redrawn (see captions to figures), and permission for their use is gratefully acknowledged.