Genus Eusiropsis

Stebbing, 1897

Rostrum small. Eyes absent (Eusiropsis riisei 1). Coxae very short. ANT subequal, bearing numerous calceoli. Accessory flagellum scale-like. Mandibular molar weak, not columnar. Inner lobe of MX I without setae. Inner lobes of MX II broader but not longer than outer, without facial row of setae. Lower lip with inner lobes. P I (Eusiropsis riisei 2) and II subequal, of eusirid form but with ART 5 lacking posterior lobe, moderately short, broad (only slightly longer than ART 4). P III-VII elongate, simple; dactyls simple but setose on inferior margins; ART 2 without anterior lobes. Exopodites of UR I-III shorter than endopodites. UR III extended well beyond UR I. Telson elongate, weakly cleft.

Two species, one in the South Atlantic:

Eusiropsis riisei Stebbing, 1899