Familia Gnathophausiidae

Bacescu , 1984

Integument strongly calcareous. Rostrum elongate, slender, spear-shaped, denticulate, 3-edged in cross section. Posterior margin of carapace usually produced into strong, median, dorsal spine.
Abdominal somites with bilobed pleural plates (Neognathophausia ingens); 6th somite divided into 2 parts by a transverse groove (Neognathophausia ingens). Exopod of uropods 2-segmented. Telson large, with 2 long keels on dorsal surface; lateral margin with spines arranged in series; apex with crescent-shaped lobe.
Body and appendages usually red.
Deep water forms, bathypelagic or epibenthic.

Genera treated:

Genus Gnathophausia
Genus Neognathophausia