Familia Lubbockiidae

Huys and Boettger-Schnack, 1997

Reference: Huys and Boettger Schnack (1997)

Pr elongate to elongate-oval, or cyclopiform. Ce and Pd1 always separate. Ur generally slender, of 5 somites; genital apertures paired, located dorsally or dorsolaterally on anterior part of Gns and closed off by operculae derived from vestigial P6; seminal receptacles paired; CR with 6-7 setae, seta I minute or absent, other setae typically pinnate, sometimes naked. Eggs carried in paired sacs. R fused to Ce; nauplius eye present. A1 short 7-segmented (segment boundaries sometimes weakly defined or lost between segments 2-3, 3-4 and 5-6). A2 comprises C-B and 2-segmented Enp, or 3-segmented Enp (Genus Laitmatobius); C-B without seta, Enp1 with 1 seta, Enp2 with 2-3 setae, Enp3 with 2 subapical setae and 4-5 apical claws. Labrum deeply incised, without distinct teeth or scales. Md gnathobase curved, with median dentate lash, 2 dorsal and 1-2 ventral elements; without palp. Mx1 bilobed; with 2-3 elements on each lobe. Mx2 Ba with total of 5 elements: outer margin with 1 minute and 1 bipinnate seta, apex with 2 basally fused spines forming bifid element, inner margin with multipinnate spine. Mxp 4-segmented, Co without seta, Ba with 0-1 seta; Enp 1-3-segmented with maximum armature 0,2,1+claw. P1-4 biramous with both rami 3-segmented; inner coxal seta present.
Spine and seta formula:Spine and seta Lubbockiidae.
P5 with protopod incorporated in somite and represented by dorsal seta on surface of somite (may be secondarily lost), Exp 1-segmented bearing 2 or 4 setae/spines (Genus Pseudolubbockia) or entirely lost (Genus Haplopodia). P6 represented by opercular plates bearing 0-2 minute elements.

Ur of 6 somites, genital apertures paired, located posteroventrally on large Gns, apertures closed off by well-developed symmetrical flaps derived from vestigial P6. Gns voluminous, longer than postgenital somites combined. A1, Mxp (except Homeognatha) sexually dimorphic; sometimes A2, mouthparts (atrophied), P1 Enp, Ur, CR. A1 with segments 5-7 fused forming terminal compound segment; additional aesthetascs sometimes present on segments 2 and 4. Mxp Ba 2-3-segmented.

This family was created by Huys & Boettger-Schnack (1997) to take Atrophia Huys & Boettger-Schnack, 1997; Haplopodia Huys & Boettger-Schnack, 1997; Homeognathia Huys & Boettger-Schnack, 1997; Laitmatobius Humes, 1987; Lubbockia Claus, 1863; Pseudolubbockia Sars, 1909; and Rhamphochela Huys & Boettger-Schnack, 1997. Only the Genus Lubbockia has so far been taken in the South Atlantic.