Familia Amphitretidae

Hoyle, 1886 (including Idioctopodidae Taki, 1962)

Body gelatinous, covered by jelly coating. Eyes telescopic, tubular, directed upwards, their bases drawn together on dorsal side of head. Arms long, joined by deep web. Arm tips not tapering. Suckers in one row. Mantle fused with head and funnel. Mantle opening represented by two split-like or oval apertures on sides of head lateral to funnel. Funnel very long. Stomach in front of digestive gland, ovary above it. Ink sac present, on posterior-dorsal side of digestive gland. Inner demibranch of gills reduced. No photophores. Radula multidentate, comb-like. 3rd right arm hectocotylized in males, with narrow and very long ligula and short triangular calamus. Eggs large, length approx. 5 mm, width 2 mm, not held by female. One or two genera and species, only one in the South Atlantic.

Planctonic stages recorded for:

Amphitretus pelagicus