Spongiobranchaea intermedia

Pruvot-Fol, 1926

Body semi-transparent, with chromatophores. Two strong lateral arms; on each arm 18 to 20 large subequal suckers (twice the number in S. australis); median arm absent. Posterior gill of Spongiobranchaea australis type, lateral gill reduced or absent. Posterior end of body cylindrical. Head parts relatively large. Wings small, median footlobe short. Lateral lobes rounded. Median foot tubercle absent. Dorsal gland patch well-developed. On each side about 34 robust hooks. Strong and clearly bent hooks resemble those of Notobranchaea macdonaldi and Notobranchea tetrabranchiata. Jaw well-developed, composed of numerous rows of spines, basal spines longer than those on top of odontophore. Radula formula: 7-1-7. Median radula plate quadri- or tricuspid. First lateral tooth structure providing firm connection with preceding and following laterals. Each first lateral tooth fitting into slit of next one. Denticle, found in Spongiobranchaea australis, strongly reduced or absent. Body length 20 mm.