Cymbulia peroni

de Blainville, 1818

In Cymbulia peroni two morphs are distinguished:

¥ Cymbulia peroni de Blainville, 1818 morpha peroni de Blainville, 1818

Pseudoconch covered with spines arranged in rows, some spines irregularly dispersed between rows. Spines near border of shoe-shaped cavity of pseudoconch larger than rest and asymmetrical. Colorless heart-shaped swimming disc, in middle of posterior margin a wing lobe with long filamentous tentacle projecting outwards. At outer wing border two transparent spots, without muscles; muscle fibres fused. Radula teeth degenerate, jaw relatively small. Veliger with velum with 4 lobes, larval shell with 1.5 whorls (maximum diameter: 0.72 mm), last whorl increasing rapidly in width. Length of pseudoconch: 65 mm.

¥ Cymbulia peroni de Blainville, 1818 morpha minor van der Spoel, 1976

Pseudoconch smaller than in morpha peroni, with less regularly curved underside. Sides have only 1 or 2 rows of spines, rather than 3. Spines small, even near aperture, and without asymmetrical development of spines along aperture. Two knobs at dorsal side of pseudoconch cavity small (with broad bases in morpha minor; with large, narrow bases, usually with two or more spines, in morpha peroni). Wings and visceral mass as in morpha peroni. Radula teeth degenerate, jaw relatively small. Pseudoconch length: 42 mm.