Cordagalma cordiforme

Totton, 1932

Small delicate physonect reaching 30 cm in length. Small characteristically heart-shaped nectophores. Lateral radial canals with one ascending loop but without sigmoid curves. All radial canals arise from pedicular canal. Characteristic bracts shaped like a truncated pyramid, with 4 lateral facets. Short bracteal canal terminating in the middle of the bract. Very characteristic tentilla.
Totton's (1932) description of this species was based only on the nectophores with their very characteristic shape. However, Carré (1968a) was able to give a full description when the entire animal was collected. From this description it is apparent that the bracts and, particularly, the tentilla of this species resemble very closely those of Anthemodes ordinata described by Haeckel (1888). However, the nectophores of the two species appear entirely different. Nonetheless, there may be sufficient reason to adopt the name Cordagalma ordinata (Haeckel, 1888), but for the present Totton's specific name is retained, with a modified ending to agree with the gender of the genus.