Dorataspis choanopora

Tchang and Tan, 1964

Spicules all of same length, compressed. Four equatorial and four of 8 polar spicules wider than 12 remaining spicules. Apophysal plates fused into ellipsoidal shell lacking sutures. Plates of four equatorial and of four polar spicules are hexagonal, other 12 pentagonal. On both sides of each spicule two aspinal pores and 5-6 quite larger sutural pores varying slightly in size. All aspinal and sutural pores with thin membranous skeletal collar. Surface of shell with many compressed accessory spines which may be shortly forked. Body length tip to tip 0.22 mm, diameter of lattice shell: 0.11 mm, spicule length: 0.05 mm, spicule width: 0.005-0.01 mm.