Protocruzia pigerrima

(Cohn, 1866)
Faria et al., 1922

Body fusiform, tapering anteriorly and posteriorly, laterally compressed, i.e. left side vaulted, right side flat; slightly contractile and flexible. 1(2?) macronuclei. Contractile vacuole subterminal. About 4 longitudinal somatic kineties on right side, bristle-like cilia on left side. Adoral zone in anterior 1/3-1/4 of body, composed of few membranelles; paroral membrane on right of oral area. Movement crawling. Size in vivo 30-60 x 10-20 µm. Frequently confused with Protocruzia adhaerens (Kahl, 1932). Genus formerly included in scuticociliatids but recently transferred to karyorelictids in separate family and order (Small and Lynn, 1985). Poorly known species.

Ref.: Hamburger and Buddenbrock (1911), Kahl (1932).