Phractopelta tessaraspis

Haeckel, 1887

Spicules of external shell compressed, two-edged, with 2 opposite branching apophyses. Each spicule with 2 large quadrate aspinal pores, and 2 smaller oval ones, surrounded by 5-6 two-lobed, polygonal irregularly shaped sutural pores. Cell body spherical, dark cherry red, enclosed in outer shell. Ectoplasmic cortex single-layered. Six-eight short myonemes per spicule. Diameter of cell body: 0.06-0.07 mm; spicule length: 0.27 mm; diameter of outer shell: 0.09-0.097 mm, inner: 0.03-0.037 mm; large aspinal pores: 0.016 by 0.014 mm, small aspinal pores: 0.012 by 0.06-0.08 mm, sutural pores: 0.012 by 0.008 mm.