Genus Eupronoe

Claus, 1879

Body fairly stout. Females with rounded head (Eupronoe minuta 1), males with slightly pointed head (Eupronoe armata 1, Eupronoe maculata 1). P I simple or subchelate (Eupronoe armata 2), ART 2 twisted in male. P II chelate (Eupronoe armata 3). P V distinctly longer than VI. P VII with subtriangular ART 2, one drop-shaped distal ART (Eupronoe armata 4). Fused urosomite (II+III) about as wide as long. UR with free rami. Rami of UR I always sharp, of UR III - rounded. Rami of UR II and III with smooth margins. Telson free, shorter than UR III.

Four (or 5) species, 3 (or 4) in the South Atlantic:

Eupronoe armata Claus, 1879
Eupronoe maculata Claus, 1879
Eupronoe minuta Claus, 1879