Familia Pronoidae

Dana, 1853

Moderately small animals (5-15 mm). Body compact, more or less compressed laterally. Head globular, in males possibly slightly pointed at anterior end. Eyes large, occupying practically all head surface. MD with palps in both sexes. Pereonites not fused. Coxae free. P I simple or subchelate, P II simple or chelate. P V longer than P VI, ART 2 broadened. P VI with very broad, but not operculate, ART 2; distal ART attached to ART 2 subterminally. P VII reduced, with decreased number of ART (all ART may be present in juveniles). UR usually with free rami. Telson free, very rarely fused with urosome.

Four genera:

Genus Eupronoe Claus, 1879
Genus Paralycaea Claus, 1879
Genus Parapronoe Claus, 1879
Genus Pronoe Guérin-Méneville, 1836