Genus Vibilia

Milne-Edwards, 1830

Animals 5-15 mm (Vibilia armata 1, Vibilia australis 1, Vibilia robusta 1). Head fairly small. Rostrum small (if any). Eyes never occupying most of head surface. ANT I with broad, laterally flattened flagellum (Vibilia antarctica 1, Vibilia cultripes 1). ANT II inserted on anterior surface of head. MD with serrate incisor, strong cylindrical molar. ART 3 of mandibular palp longer than ART 2. MX I with well-developed outer lobe, inner lobe small and rounded. MX II small, with both lobes. P VII with complete number of ART (Vibilia armata 3).

Seventeen species, 12 in the South Atlantic:

Vibilia antarctica Stebbing, 1888
Vibilia armata Bovallius, 1887
Vibilia australis Stebbing, 1888
Vibilia chuni Behning and Woltereck, 1912
Vibilia cultripes Vosseler, 1901
Vibilia gibbosa Bovallius, 1887
Vibilia jeangerardi Lucas, 1845
Vibilia propinqua Stebbing, 1888
Vibilia pyripes Bovallius, 1887
Vibilia robusta Bovallius, 1887
Vibilia stebbingi Behning and Woltereck, 1912
Vibilia viatrix Bovallius, 1887