Infraorder Physocephalata

Bowman & Gruner, 1973

Head large, longer than pereonite I. Integument weak or strong. Eyes usually gigantic, occupying entire lateral surface of head, except rostrum (if any). Only in Vibilia and Vibilioides (Vibiliidae), and in Bougisia (Hyperiidae, not recorded in the South Atlantic) eyes small to moderately large. MX I without inner lobe, MXP always with inner lobes completely fused. Epi- and mesopelagic animals.

Superfamilies treated:

Superfamily Vibilioidea Dana, 1853
Superfamily Phronimoidea Rafinesque, 1815
Superfamily Lycaeopsoidea Chevreux, 1913
Superfamily Platysceloidea Bate, 1862