Familia Mimonectidae

Bovallius, 1885

Animals medium-large (25-30 mm) (Mimonectes sphaericus 1). Pereon expanded, in mature females balloon-like with pereonites I-V strongly inflated, pleon slender. Eyes small or absent. ANT I with long narrow conical proximal ART of flagellum, 3 small distal ART. Female ANT I longer than pereonite I, in males subequal to first five pereonites combined. MXP with oval outer lobes, separate inner lobe. Coxae free. P simple (Mimonectes gaussi 1; Mimonectes loveni 1; Mimonectes sphaericus 2). P III-VII subequal. Telson short.

Two genera. Single genus in the South Atlantic:

Genus Mimonectes Bovallius, 1885