Familia Lanceolidae

Bovallius, 1887

Medium to large animals (6-70 mm). Body inflated, usually semi-transparent. Eyes small or absent, or transformed into reflector organ (in Scypholanceola). Coxae separate from pereonites. ANT I first flagellar ART large, conical; apical ART small. MD with lacinia mobilis usually poorly developed. MXP with inner lobes fused proximally, separate distally. P V-VII with spoon-shaped ART 6, hooded retractile dactyl.

Includes 6 genera, 3 in the South Atlantic:

Genus Lanceola Say, 1818
Genus Megalanceola Pirlot, 1935
Genus Prolanceola (Rare animals, still not found in Atlantic Ocean, but widely distributed)