Genus Paracyphocaris

Chevreux, 1905

Body spindle-like, smooth (Paracyphocaris praedator 1). Pereonite I overlapping short, high head, pointed anteriorly. ANT I shorter than peduncle of ANT II; accessory flagellum uni-articulate. MD lacking molar; mandibular palp attached medially (Paracyphocaris praedator 2), in Atlantic animals palp 3-articulated (but reduced in Pacific species P. distinctus). Coxae I and II small, partially hidden by CX III. P I (gnathopod) simple or very weakly subchelate, P II nearly simple, ART 6 shorter than ART 5. P III-VI clearly subchelate (Paracyphocaris praedator 3), P VII weakly subchelate. Endopodite of UR III shorter than exopodite, but not reduced. Telson elongate, deeply cleft. Purely pelagic genus.

Three species, one in South Atlantic:

Paracyphocaris praedator Chevreux, 1905