Genus Eurythenes

Smith in Scudder, 1882

Coxal plate I small, rounded, much shorter than coxal plate II, but anteroventral corner not covered by coxal plate II. ANT I much shorter than ANT II, ART 1 of peduncle moderately small, weakly inflated, accessory flagellum long, approx. 10-articulated. Epistome large, globular (inflated) but not longer than upper lip. Eyes large, expanded ventrally (Eurythenes gryllus 1; Eurythenes obesus 1). Mandibular molar strong, pyramidal, triturative, distal rib covered with setae; palp attached on level of molar (Eurythenes gryllus 2). Inner lobe of MX I with ca. 10 pinnate setae, palp weak, with narrow ART 2. Inner lobe of MX II much shorter than outer, pointed, with row of pinnate setae on inner margin. Outer lobes of MXP broad, reaching distal end of ART 2 of palp; palp 4-articulated. P I with small but clear subchela formed by dactyl and distal margin of ART 6 (Eurythenes gryllus 3). Epimeral plate III with rounded posteroventral corner. Rami of UR III broadly lanceolate, with numerous long setae on inner margins, exopodite with small ART 2. Telson large, triangular, deeply cleft. Gills without transverse folds.

Two species:

Eurythenes gryllus (Lichtenstein in Mandt, 1822)
Eurythenes obesus (Chevreux, 1905)