Ordo Pleurostomatida

Schewiakoff, 1896

Oral area flattened along ventral margin of laterally compressed body, surrounded by toxicysts. Oral basket (rhabdos) made of three microtubular components: transverse ribbons originating from oral dikinetids and in suborder Litonotina also from somatic monokinetids, nematodesmal bundles originating exclusively from oral dikinetids and bulge microtubules; somatic ciliature with distinct left-right differentiation, dorsal brush present. Free-living and parasitic on other ciliates (mainly peritrichs), often large, long voracious carnivores, widely distributed in freshwater, marine and interstitial habitats.

Suborder Litonotina
Family Litonotidae
Family Loxophyllidae