Suggested reading
Berrill N.J. 1950. The Tunicata, with an account of the British species. Ray Soc. Publ., London, pp. 1-354.
—A classical treatise of appendicularian morphology and systematic.
Brien P. 1948. Embranchement des Tuniciers. In "Traité de Zoologie", 11 (P.P. Grassé, ed.), Masson, Paris, pp. 553-930.
—Detailed descriptions of appendicularian anatomy.
Bückmann A. 1974. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen des FFS "Walther Herwig" nach Südamerika. XXXII Die Appendicularienfänge der "Walther Herwig" auf dem Patagonischen Schelf im September 1971. Arch. Fisch. Wiss., 25:21-32.
—Systematic, morphologic and distributional study with good illustrations.
Bückmann A., Kapp H. 1975. Taxonomic characters used for the distinction of species of Appendicularia. Mitt. Hamburg. Zool. Mus. Inst., 72:201-228.
—Useful guide for the identification of appendicularian species; includes illustrated descriptions.
Esnal G.B. 1981b. Appendicularia. In "Atlas del Zooplancton del Atlántico Sudoccidental y métodos de trabajo con el zooplancton marino" (D. Boltovskoy, ed.), Public. Esp. Inst. Nac. Inv. Desarrollo Pesq., Mar del Plata, pp. 809-827.
—General review of the systematics and distribution of appendicularians from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (in Spanish).
Fenaux R. 1966. Synonimie et répartition géographique des Appendiculaires. Bull. Mus. Océanogr. Monaco, 66:1-23.
—Useful update on appendicularian synonymy and geographical distribution.
Fenaux R. 1967. Les Appendiculaires des mers d´Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen. In "Faune de l´Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen", 2, Masson, Paris, pp. 1-116.
—Thorough treatise of appendicularian biology and systematics, with excellent illustrations.
Flood P.R. 1991. Architecture of, and water circulation and flow rate in, the house of the planktonic tunicate Oikopleura labradorensis. Mar. Biol., 111:95-111.
—Excellent description of the structure and function of the house, with superb photographs.
Galt C.P., Fenaux R. 1990. Urochordata-Larvacea. In "Reproductive biology of invertebrates" (Adiyodi K.G., Adiyodi R.G., eds.), Oxford & IBH Publ. Co., New Delhi, pp. 471-500.
—General review of appendicularian reproduction and development.
Lohmann H. 1896. Die Appendicularien der Plankton-Expedition. Plankton-Exp. Humboldt-Stiftung, Ergebn. 2(E.C.):1-148.
—Cornerstone work on appendicularian classification, including superb illustrations.
Lohmann H. 1928. Beiträge zur Planktonbevölkerung der Weddelsee nach den Ergebnissen der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1911-1912. Die Appendicularien-Bevölkerung der Weddellsee. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., 20:13-72.
—A major contribution on the Antarctic appendicularian fauna.
Lohmann H. 1931. Die Appendicularien der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Wiss. Erg. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exp. Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898-1899, 21:1-158.
—Very important contribution on appendicularian systematics and distribution.
Lohmann H. 1933. Tunicata. Appendicularia. In "Handbuch der Zoologie" (Kukenthal W., Krumbach T., edS.), 5 (2): 1-202.
—Classical treatise on appendicularian anatomy and systematics.
Lohmann H., Bückmann A. 1926. Die Appendicularien der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. Deutsche Südpolar-Exp. 1901-1903, 18 (Zool. 10):63-231.
—Together with Lohmann's (1928) work, these are obligatory references about the Antarctic appendicularian fauna.
Lohmann H., Hentschel E. 1939. Die Appendicularien im Südatlantischen Ozean. Wiss. Erg. Deutsch. Atlant. Exp. "Meteor" 1925-1927, 13(3):153-243.
—Comprehensive study, cornerstone work on appendicularian distribution in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tokioka T. 1964. Taxonomic studies of Appendicularians collected by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition 1957. Sci. Rep. Jap. Antarct. Res. Exped., E, 21:1-16.
—Critical systematic review of the Antartic appendicularian fauna, with excellent illustrations.