Eu. 16 Identification of larvae

Identification of larvae

The description of euphausiid larval development in southern temperate and Antarctic species has been comparatively well documented. However there is much less detail on the larval development of South Atlantic species and so tabular keys for the genus Euphausia, the genus Thysanoessa and the genus Nematoscelis that co-occur within the most heavily sampled region (Latitudinal distribution) between 40°S and 60°S have been provided (Tables 5-8):

Eu table 4
Eu table 5
Eu table 6
Eu table 7
Eu table 8

Descriptions of the larval stages of other species found the South Atlantic region may be found in the following literature sources (partly taken from Antezana and Brinton, 1981):
Bentheuphausia ambylops: Tattersall (1926), Illig (1930).
Thysanopoda acutifrons: Frost (1939), Einarsson (1945). T. aequalis: Lebour (1926a, 1950), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). T. cristata: Gurney (1947), Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). T. cornuta: Einarsson (1945), Brinton (1975). T. egregia: Brinton (1975). T. monacantha (as T. agassizi): Hansen (1910), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). T. obtusifrons: Casanova (1974). T. orientalis: Hansen (1912), Fraser (1936), Casanova (1974). T. pectinata: Hansen (1912), Illig (1930), Einarsson (1945), Casanova (1974). T. tricuspidata: Sars (1885), Tattersall (1912), Lebour (1950), Sheard (1953), Pillai (1957), Ponomareva (1969), Knight (1973), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975).
Pseudeuphausia latifrons: Hansen (1912), Gurney (1947).
Nyctiphanes capensis: Boden (1955), Pillar (1985).
Euphausia brevis: Gurney (1942), Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Casanova-Soulier (1968), Casanova (1974). E. diomedeae: Ponomareva (1969), Brinton (1975). E. eximia: Knight (1980). E. gibboides: Lebour (1926a), Knight (1975). E. hanseni: Weigmann-Haas (1977). E. hemigibba: Lebour (1950), Casanova-Soulier (1968), Casanova (1974). E. pseudogibba: Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). E. recurva: Tattersall (1912), Soulier (1965), Casanova (1974). E.similis: Sheard (1953), Soulier (1965), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975), Hirota et al. (1984). E. spinifera: Soulier (1965). E. tenera: Lebour (1950), Boden et al. (1955), Lewis (1955), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975).
Nematoscelis atlantica: Gurney (1942), Casanova (1974). N. megalops: Frost (1939), Gurney (1942), Gopalakrishnan (1973). N. microps: Sars (1885, as N. rostrata), Hansen (1912), Lebour (1926a, 1950), Gurney (1942, 1947), Casanova-Soulier (1968, as N. microps/N. atlantica), Casanova (1974). N. tenella: Gurney (1942), Lebour (1950), Casanova (1974).
Stylocheiron abbreviatum: Hansen (1910), Fraser (1936), Lebour (1926c, 1950), Einarsson (1945), Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Pillai (1957), Casanova-Soulier (1968), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). S. affine: Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). S. carinatum: Hansen (1912), Illig (1930), Rustad (1930), Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Pillai (1957), Ponomareva (1969), Casanova (1974), Brinton (1975). S. elongatum: Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Pillai (1957). S. longicorne: Hansen (1910), Frost (1935, 1939), Fraser (1936), Gurney (1947), Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Pillai (1957), Casanova-Soulier (1968). S. maximum: Lebour (1950), Lewis (1955), Pillai (1957), Casanova-Soulier (1968), Casanova (1974). S. suhmii: Hansen (1910), Lebour (1926a, b, 1950), Lewis (1955), Casanova-Soulier (1968), Casanova (1974).