Eu. 11 Adults


A number of guides have been published to aid in the identication of the euphausiids of the worlds’ oceans, or parts thereof. Those of relevance here include Boden (1954) for the SE Atlantic, Antezana and Brinton (1981) for the SW Atlantic, and Kirkwood (1984) for the Southern Ocean. Some of these keys are more detailed and comprehensive than others, but they generally follow the same format and use the same diagnostic features to separate taxa. Given that the most recent guide was published in 1990 (Baker et al., 1990), and that no additional information has subsequently become available to alter the validity of the diagnostic characters, we felt that a new guide dealing specifically with the euphausiids of the South Atlantic would be largely superfluous. The following account and key is therefore drawn from the above sources, as well as Hansen (1910), Boden (1955) and James (1977). Many of the illustrations of this DVD-ROM are reproduced with kind permission from various sources listed in the legends of the illustrations.