Os. 7 Suggested reading

Suggested reading

Angel M.V. 1993. Pelagic Marine Ostracoda. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), (D.M. Kermack, R.S.K. Barnes, J.H. Crothers, eds.), 48, published for Linnean Society of London and The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association by the Field Studies Council, pp. 1-239.

Iles E.J. 1961. The appendages of Halocypridae. Discovery Rep., 31:299-326.

Poulsen E.M. 1977. Zoogeographical remarks on marine pelagic Ostracoda. Dana Rep., 87:1-34.

Skogsberg T. 1920. Studies on marine ostracods. Part 1. (Cypridinids, halocyprids and polycopids). Zool. Bidrag Uppsala, supppl. 1:1-784.