Larvae with deep body which is laterally compressed. With 23-25 myomeres. Pre-flexion larvae with heavy pigmentation on gut, head, and along ventral edge of tail. With development, melanophores spread over entire body. Serrate recurved spine at posterior end of supra-occipital crest well developed in flexion stage, shrinks with growth (Leis and Rennis, 1983). Priacanthus arenatus larvae with large, round eye and serrate dorsal, anal and ventral fin spines (Richards, 1990). Head spination complex: prominent, serrate ridge above eye; serrations on lower jaw; inter-opercular and pre-opercular spines; post-temporal and supra-cleithral spines; and some opercular spines. Serrate long spine at corner of pre-opercle characteristic feature of this larva (Priacanthus arenatus).
Table Priacanthidae
22 geographic zones