Familia Fistulariidae

Only family with buoyant eggs in open water; others spawn in nests (Gasterosteidae and Aulorhynchidae), or brood eggs in specialized pouch of parents (Syngnathidae and Solenostomidae) (Fritzsche, 1984). According to Leis and Rennis (1983), larvae extremely elongate, ovoid in cross-section, with 76-87 myomeres. From pre-flexion stage small, hooked, recurved spinules develop on trunk and tail in four rows, extending from near pectoral base to just anterior to tip of notochord. During flexion stage snout and its terminal mouth start to elongate; opposing dorsal and anal fins at posterior end of body in post-flexion larvae. Two inner caudal rays start to develop at this stage, to form long tapered flagellum, which remains until adult stage (Fistularia commersonii).

Table Gasterosteiformes
22 geographic zones