In the following synopsis, mostly based on Garstang (1933), Krüger (1939), Bary (1960), Braconnot (1970, 1971a, 1974) and Godeaux (1996, 1998), information for the identification of the taxa recorded in the South Atlantic Ocean is provided. Doliolina sigmoides, found by Neumann (1906) in the Gulf of Guinea between 2°N and 5°N, is also included.
The muscular bands have been called M1, M2, etc., in antero-posterior order; when followed by a fraction (e.g. M11/2 ), it indicates the part of the inter-muscular space occupied by the different organs.
The following outline classification illustrates the taxonomic system adopted in this work. All the families and genera listed, with the exception of Paradoliopsidae and Paradoliopsis, are covered in this section.
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Urochordata (=Tunicata)
Class Thaliacea
Order Doliolida
Suborder Doliolidina
Family Doliolidae
Genus Dolioletta Borgert, 1894
Genus Doliolina Borgert, 1894
Genus Dolioloides Garstang, 1933
Genus Doliolum Quoy and Gaimard, 1834
Family Doliopsoididae
Genus Doliopsoides Krüger, 1939
Suborder Doliopsidina
Family Doliopsidae
Genus Doliopsis Vogt, 1852
Family Paradoliopsidae
Genus Paradoliopsis Godeaux, 1996