Genus Vibilioides

Chevreux, 1905

Medium-large animals (about 20 mm). Body segments with weak rounded transverse carinas (Vibilioides alberti 1). Head fairly small. Eyes small, oval. ANT I with broad oval-subrectangular, laterally flattened flagellum. ANT II inserted on anterior surface of head. MD with narrow serrate incisor, weak conical molar. ART 3 of mandibular palp shorter than ART 2. MX I with well-developed outer lobe, inner lobe completely absent. MX II absent or reduced to "invisible size". ART 2 of P I and II very broad. P VII with broad ART 2 and only 3 strongly reduced distal ART, much shorter than ART 2 (Vibilioides alberti 2).


Vibilioides alberti Chevreux, 1905