Familia Scinidae

Stebbing, 1888

Small or medium-large animals (2.5-30 mm excluding ANT). Body slender, flattened dorsoventrally. Head short and wide. Eyes small or absent. ANT I horn-like, as long as pereon or as pereon and pleon combined, with 1-articulate peduncle, very long ART 2 (first ART of flagellum), without ART 3 (reduced ART 3 may be present in juveniles). MD without palp, lacinia mobilis, or molar. Inner lobes of MXP completely fused or absent. All P long and thin. P V much longer than others, ART 2 very long, often broadened, with marginal teeth. All UR with endopodites fused to basipodites, exopodites free, short, spiniform on UR I and II, usually III as well. Telson small, triangular.

Four genera, 3 in South Atlantic:

Genus Acanthoscina Vosseler, 1900
Genus Ctenoscina Wagler, 1926
Genus Scina Prestandrea, 1833