Genus Thoriella

Stephensen, 1915

Body more or less slender in males (Thoriella islandica 1), probably globular in adult females. Accessory flagellum of ANT I absent; flagellum of ANT II with especially inflated ART. Epistome broadly rounded, produced anteriorly. Mandibular molar reduced, palp absent. MXP opercular with inner plates apparently large and subrectangular, outer plates narrower and triangular; palp apparently composed of single large opercular ART with deep lateral incision. P I simple, short; P II simple. Coxae small, short, not touching serially; CX IV without posterior excavation. Urosome with all segments (Thoriella islandica 2). UR III lacking rami. Telson absent.

Purely pelagic genus. Monotypic.

Thoriella islandica Stephensen, 1915