Genus Scopelocheiropsis

Schellenberg, 1926

ART 7 (dactyl) of P I minute, shrouded in a large tuft of long setae or cirri attached to ART 6 and 7. MD lacking molar (important character), palp attached somewhat distally; incisor smooth. Inner plate of MX I strongly setose (9-10 pinnate setae); palp 2-articulated, with apical row of strong spines. Posterodistal corner of ART 6 of P II at approximately 90° (Scopelocheiropsis abyssalis 2). Exopodite of UR III 2-articulated. Telson deeply cleft (Scopelocheiropsis abyssalis 1).

Only one species in South Atlantic plankton:

Scopelocheiropsis abyssalis Schellenberg, 1926

(Another, still undescribed, species of Scopelocheiropsis was found in Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean).