Genus Paracallisoma

Chevreux, 1903

ART 7 (dactyl) of P I minute, shrouded in a large tuft of long setae or cirri attached to ART 6 and 7 (Paracallisoma alberti 4). Head shorter than pereonite I; lateral lobes well-developed (Paracallisoma alberti 1). Coxal plates I-III shorter than pereonites I-III. Mandibular molar small, attached proximally; palp attached at level of molar; incisor smooth. Inner plate of MX I strongly setose; palp 2-articulated, large. ART 2 of P I linear, its tissue not glandular. P II (Paracallisoma alberti 5) clearly subchelate (not chelate!). Telson cleft (Paracallisoma alberti 3).

Three or four similar species. Only one species in southern Atlantic plankton:

Paracallisoma alberti Chevreux, 1903