Milne-Edwards, 1840
Copepods at some stage in their life-cycle possess at least 2 pairs of swimming legs with rami connected by an intercoxal sclerite; a Ce into which the Mxp bearing somite is incorporated; uniramous A1 with up to 27 segments, although in many copepods (harpacticoids) the segmentation of A1 is secondarily reduced; possess egg-sacs, although some important groups lack true egg-sacs and they are secondarily lost in some highly derived parasitic forms (Huys et al., 1996). See also Co. 1 Introduction and further. There are eight Orders in the Subclass Copepoda, those covered in the present chapter are marked (*):
Order Platycopioida Fosshagen, 1985
Order Calanoida Sars, 1903 *
Order Misophrioida Gurney, 1933
Order Cyclopoida Burmeister, 1834 *
Order Harpacticoida Sars, 1903 *
Order Poecilostomatoida Thorell, 1859 *
Order Siphonostomatoida Thorell, 1859
Order Monstrilloida Sars, 1903