Subordo Tintinnoinea

Kofoid And Campbell, 1929

Tintinnids are lorica-building, planktonic oligotrichid ciliates ranging in size from 20 to 200 µm. See page Ti. 1 Introduction for more about tintinnids. The classification system of the Subkingdom Protozoa (Kingdom Protoctista) adopted in this work is that of Levine et al. (1980), in which tintinnids (Tintinnoinea) are considered a suborder of the phylum Ciliophora.

Outline classification
Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
Class Polyhymenophorea Jankowski, 1967
Subclass Spirotrichia Bütschli, 1889
Order Heterotrichida Stein 1859
Order Odontostomatida Sawaya, 1940
Order Oligotrichida Bütschli, 1887
Suborder Oligotrichina Bütschli, 1887
Suborder Tintinnoinea Kofoid And Campbell, 1929

In Kofoid and Campbell's (1929) work, the suborder Tintinnoinea was divided into 12 families, 8 subfamilies, 51 genera, 8 subgenera and over 1,000 species. In 1939, the same authors expanded the number of families and genera to 13 and 62, respectively, and reduced the number of species to 726. This last revision appears more consistent, and each taxon is described in a more exhaustive and precise manner. In her recent review of the group, Laval-Peuto (1994), based on subsequent taxonomic revisions and on the cytological information available for a handful of tintinnid species, adopted a slightly modified version of Kofoid and Campbell's (1929, 1939) system, which includes 13 families:

Class Oligotrichea Bütschli, 1887
Order Tintinnida Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Family Tintinnidiidae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Tintinnidium Kent, 1882
Genus Leprotintinnus Jörgensen, 1900
Family Codonellidae Kent, 1881
Genus Codonella Haeckel, 1973
Genus Codonaria Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Codonopsis Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Tintinnopsis Stein, 1867
Genus Poroecus Cleve, 1902
( Incertae sedis: Genus Stylicauda Balech, 1951)
Family Codonellopsidae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Subfamily Codonellopsinae Campbell, 1954
Genus Codonellopsis Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Laackmanniella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Subfamily Stenosemellinae Campbell, 1954
Genus Stenosemella Jörgensen, 1924
Family Dictyocystidae Kent, 1881
Genus Dictyocysta Ehrenberg, 1854
Family Metacylididae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Metacylis Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Pseudometacylis Balech, 1968
Genus Helicostomella Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Climacocylis Jörgensen, 1924
Family Ptychocylididae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Ptychocylis Brandt, 1896
Genus Cymatocylis Laackmann, 1910
Genus Protocymatocylis Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Favella Jörgensen, 1924
Incertae sedis:
Genus Wailesia Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Family Epiplocylididae Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Epiplocylis Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Epiplocyloides Hada, 1938
Genus Epicancella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Family Ascampbelliellidae Corliss, 1960
Genus Ascampbelliella Corliss, 1960
Genus Acanthostomella Jörgensen, 1927
Incertae sedis:
Genus Niemarshallia Corliss, 1960
Genus Luxiella Lecal, 1953
Family Cyttarocylididae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Cyttarocylis Fol, 1881
Genus Petalotricha Kent, 1881
Family Rhabdonellidae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Rhabdonella Brandt, 1906
Genus Rhabdonellopsis Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Protorhabdonella Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Epirhabdonella Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Family Xystonellidae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Parundella Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Xystonella Brandt, 1906
Genus Xystonellopsis Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Parafavella Kofoid and Campbell, 1924
Family Undellidae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Undella Daday, 1887
Genus Undellopsis Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Amplectella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Family Tintinnidae Claus, 1876
Subfamily Salpingellinae Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Eutintinnus Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Clevea Balech, 1948
Genus Salpingella Jörgensen, 1924
Genus Salpingelloides Campbell, 1942
Genus Salpingacantha Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Rhabdosella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Epicranella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Daturella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Subfamily Tintinninae Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Tintinnus Schrank, 1803
Genus Bursaopsis Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Canthariella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Steenstrupiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Amphorides Strand, 1926
Genus Odontophorella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Amphorellopsis Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Albatrossiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Dadayiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Buschiella Corliss, 1960
Incertae sedis:
Genus Proamphorella Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Subfamily Stelidiellinae Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genera Stelidiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1939
Genus Ormosella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Genus Brandtiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929
Incertae sedis:
Genus Prostelidiella Kofoid and Campbell, 1929

Although this latter system is the most widely used today, it clearly is far from satisfactory. Because it is based on lorical characters only, it cannot be compared to the classification of the rest of the ciliates. As noticed before, a solid classification should take into account cytological and ultrastructural evidence, the techniques for which were unavailable at the time of Kofoid and Campbell (and which so far are partially known for only ca. 30 species; cf. Laval-Peuto, 1994). In the present work we therefore preferred to avoid using suprageneric categories, stressing generic and specific diversity instead, with special emphasis on intraspecific variability which has been shown to posess strong ecological correlates (e.g., Alder, 1995). The tintinnid species covered are assembled into morphologically similar groups; however, because criteria for establishing the latter are generally similar to those used for traditional higher-level systematics, these groups are closely comparable with the family-level classification outlined above. The classification scheme based on morphologically similar groups of species can be found on the page Ti. 15 Classification scheme based on morphologically similar groups of species.